Data & Mobile
We work to ensure that application developers, academics, researchers and professionals in the electricity market have immediate and reliable access to the data they need.
We provide all the data you may need about the electricity market through our large database. Application developers, academicians, we strive to ensure that researchers and professionals can access the data they need instantly and reliably. Since 2007 we are in Please contact us to access all market data, secondary data (meteorology, economy, etc.) and special data sets that can be prepared upon request.
Sayax Notifier
It is a small free application that appears in your computer's notifications area and disappears as spot market prices are announced.
Sayax Profilier
The consumption of T1 (Day), T2 (Puant), T3 (Night) consumption is calculated according to the year and selected distribution company and subscriber group by using related profile coefficients and desired format (table, osf, hourly, daily averages, totals, etc.) is a free application that allows the display. Using the market clearing price (PTF) of the selected year profile cost can also be calculated.
Sayax Mobile
Sayax brings the Mobile Electricity Market to your pocket! Electricity from prices to production data, from installed power to available power, from power plant failures to current market news Market will be one of the most useful help you follow the Sayax Mobile application to carry the Electricity Market in your pocket. Market Clearing at Sayax Mobile price assumption Prices (PTF) and System Marginal Prices (SMF) values, system load information and system direction of energy deficit or energy surplus status with the most current state You can view it. Daily, weekly, periodical averages of prices and graphical displays provide you with a rich comparison. Sayax Mobile market data pages; Hydraulic, wind and thermal daily data can be received, according to the source and daily electricity production quantities, power plants, You can view fault-maintenance notifications, non-operating power plant information, and installed power values according to Resources and Organizations. Energy on Sayax Mobile news page You can keep the pulse of the agenda!